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Essentially mapping supply and demand of disruptive technologies needs and availability globally, instigating deployment and management execution through startup and growth stage companies within the ecosystem



Continuously investing into great ideas / technologies / solutions championed by outstanding individuals that have the grit and conviction to create a better world for all. Investments will be deployed via two funds into startup and growth stage companies.

Robotic Arm


Accelerating adoption of technologies and methodologies while ensuring equilibrium within society and economy. Ecosystems that are crucial to be developed and natured will be the guiding principles of all activities. Bringing to life a decade long idea of conscious capitalism by addressing economic, social and environmental bottom lines in a robust manner.

Wheelchair Athlete


Taking the lead in propagating conscious capitalism as business as usual and driving adoption from the direction of logic and efficiency. Creating a better and more effective living environment for generations to exist in equilibrium of with global ecosystems – economic, social and environmental ecosystems

FutureBuilders Fund I – Start Ups

Target:        Companies < 24 months

Founders:    > 2 individuals

Max ticket:  $300,000

Revenue:     $50,000 / year or prorated

Passion:       Video submission

FutureBuilders Fund II – Growth Stage  

Target:        Companies > 24 months

Founders:    > 2 individuals

Max ticket:  $3,000,000

Revenue:     $150,000 / year or prorated

Passion:       Video submission

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